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"Every student can learn, just not on the same day, or the same way." George Evans

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2009-2010 Academic Excellence Indicator System

Winfield ISD Receives Gold Performance Acknowledgements

2010 Accountability Rating is Recognized Gold Performance Acknowledgments which means that Winfield Students exceeded the State Recommendation in Attendance for since 2007 as well as being Commended in Reading/English Language Arts and Social Studies Comparable Improvement in Reading/English Language Arts and Mathematics For a student to pass the TAKS test they must make 2100 or above. To be commended on the TAKS test . . . read more


Check on your Children's Grades

Anytime, Any Where

It is our privilege to offer you the opportunity to view and monitor your child's academic progress at any time. We know that parents are an important part of every child's educational success. Now, you may check your child's grades anytime, any where there is an internet connection. Watch for a letter containing a user ID to set up . . . read more

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Grands: Winfield Elementary Reading Project

Rachelle Hobbs (2nd grade teacher) organized a "Grand Reader Project" joining Winfield Elementary Students with residents at Villa Assisted Living.  The director, Eric Hobbs, brings the residents to meet the students every other Wednesday to practice reading fluency, comprehension, and social skills.  The students and residents . . . read more


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